Standnummer: 8/12


642 Harrison Street, PH
94107 San Francisco

AppOmni ist ein führender Anbieter von SaaS-Sicherheitsmanagement-Software. Das Unternehmen wurde von Fachleuten bekanntester SaaS-Provider und Cybersecurity Anbieter gegründet. Zum Kundenstamm gehören globale Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Technologie, Gesundheitswesen, Banken und Finanzen sowie Cybersecurity Hersteller.

Die patentierte Technologie von AppOmni scannt API’s, Sicherheitskontrollen und Konfigurationseinstellungen, um den den Zustand von SaaS-Installationen in Unternehmen auf Best Practices und Unternehmensziele zu prüfen. Die Lösung läßt sich schnell implementieren, liefert umgehend Ergebnisse und versetzt Sicherheits- und IT-Teams auf einfachste Weise in die Lage, ihre SaaS-Umgebung kontinuierlich zu überwachen und Ihre Daten zu schützen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte

AppOmni is a leading provider of SaaS Security Management software. The company was founded by a team of security veterans from top SaaS providers and cybersecurity vendors, and its customer base includes global leaders across technology, healthcare, banking, and finance as well as many of the most well-known cybersecurity providers.

AppOmni’s patented technology scans APIs, security controls, and configuration settings to com
pare the current state of enterprise SaaS deployments against best practices and business intent. The solution offers fast deployment, instant visibility, and makes it easy for security and IT teams to protect and monitor their entire SaaS environment, from each vendor to every end user. As SaaS applications evolve, AppOmni stays current with all updates and releases to keep customer environments secure over time. For more information, please visit

Unser Solution Panel Speaker

Alexander Bünning
Regional Director DACH
09.06.2022 / 15:10 Uhr

Solution Panel Thema:
Netzwerke und Applikationen sichern

Unser CSF Solutions Forum Beitrag

SaaS Security Management – Behalten Sie die Kontrolle über Ihre Daten
In Apps wie Salesforce, ServiceNow oder M365 liegen Ihre geschäftskritischen Daten. Gleichzeitig bieten diese Anwendungen tausende Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten, um Ihre Geschäftsprozesse zu optimieren. Mit AppOmni erkennen und vermeiden Sie Fehlkonfigurationen und behalten jederzeit die Kontrolle über Ihre Daten.

08.06.2022 / 12:20 Uhr
Alexander Bünning
Regional Director DACH

Unsere Lösungen auf dem CSF

  • Application Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Security Assessment
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Vulnerability Management


As adoption of enterprise software as a service (SaaS) grows, high-profile SaaS application data breaches are on the rise too. Organizations are responsible for the security of their data and must implement appropriate security settings for their environments. Yet the most widely used gateway architecture solutions lack visibility into the complex, unique characteristics of different SaaS applications. And keeping up with …

AppOmni’s SaaS Security Checklist is based on best practices recommended by our team of security
experts. It’s designed to be utilized alongside cybersecurity models such as the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework, ISO-27000, and the CIA triad.

The checklist contains seven key categories and is designed to serve as a guide for organizations
looking to build successful SaaS security programs.

Constantly evolving business and market requirements are driving transformation across the modern enterprise. Teams are leveraging Software as a Service (SaaS) as new systems of record for everything from customer data to proprietary code. The sensitive nature of this data requires a new type of management where security teams can put purpose-built technologies to work and keep that data secure.